Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Cango Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cango - Essay Example With respect to the firm CanGo, it should be noted that the firm is aware of what industries it seeks to expand in; in addition to what industries they want to continue to remain a viable competitor. Therefore, if the firm is able to increase its sales numbers, the researchers within CanGo will find it necessary to conduct in depth analyses as a means of determining the best approach that should be made. With this accomplished, the research division, as well as the remainder of the firm, will have a means of understanding which markets are the most appealing, which require too high a level of investment, and which should be immediately engaged with. In this manner, Evolve Professional Business Consulting, has set out a baseline criteria through which CanGo should effectively research the options that are presented to them and make informed decisions based upon them. One of the most important steps that should be taken before the research itself is conducted is the question of who CanGo wishes to appeal to/sell to. Although this is something of a simplistic step, it is absolutely integral if the firm wishes to approach the research from an informed and effective standpoint. Far too many firms overlook this aspect of preliminary inquiry and set off to perform further research with incorrect assumptions that ultimately serve in misguiding the information that they are able to retrieve. Additionally, CanGo also should consider performing research for current and future sales; as a means of determining what movements in consumer markets are likely to impact the firm within the coming months and years. Market size is another fundamental aspect of business strategy and review of performance and projected business engagement that is essential in performing effective planning. As such, by identifying the target market, CanGo will be effectively able to seek to meet consumer needs within the current time frame; as well as in the near

Monday, October 28, 2019

Impact of Unemployment in Economics Essay Example for Free

Impact of Unemployment in Economics Essay There are many people who are looking for jobs but cannot find them mostly because of the slow economic growth rate in the country. South Africa faces structural unemployment where people loose their jobs due to introduction of new technology or relocation of the company, these economic disruptions have resulted in high crime rates, low production and income as well as lost human capital. The NDP has been put in place to solve the problem of unemployment, and if supported well there can be job creation because they promise on expanding work programme, reduce costs of doing business and support entrepreneurship. Body South Africa faces the greatest challenge of a very high unemployment rate, which is highly influenced by the slow growth of the country hence resulting in slow employment growth as well (Parkin et al, 2010:449). Unemployment has been defined in two forms: a narrow definition and a broad definition. The narrow definition of unemployment is the official definition of unemployment and it states that an unemployed person is a person who is willing to work and is making an effort to find a job, Parkin et al, states that â€Å"To be counted as unemployed, a person must be available to work†¦must want to work and have made specific efforts to find a job or taken steps to start a business† (Parkin et al, 2010:495), but the broad definition of unemployment also includes the discouraged workers because they are people who are willing to work but have not been making an effort to find a job in the previous month mostly because they cannot find the jobs (Parkin et al, 2010:495). The business cycle of a country also influences the employment and unemployment rates, for example during a recession period there are high unemployment rate and during expansion there are lower unemployment rates (Lipsey et al, 1999:726). Unemployment is classified into three types; i) Frictional, ii) Structural, iii) Cyclical. Frictional unemployment has been explained as â€Å"The unemployment that arises from normal labour turnover – from people entering and leaving the labour force and from the ongoing creation and destruction of jobs† (Parkin et al, 2010:501). The structural unemployment refers to the more crucial and enduring restrictions on worker mobility, Parkin et al, explains it as â€Å"The unemployment that arises when changes in the technology or international competition change the skills needed to perform jobs or change in locations of jobs† (Parkin et al, 2010:502). Cyclical unemployment is influenced by the business cycle where a recession will increase unemployment and an expansion will decrease unemployment (Lipsey et al, 1999:726). South Africa suffers from Structural unemployment to a greater extent because it affects the economic structure of the whole economy especially due to introduction of new technologies and skills needed to cope with competition from the other countries, South Africa has gone global in the business sector therefore it needs to be upgrading its technology and skills to match its competitors. Unemployment is calculated as the number of unemployed people expressed as a percentage of the labour force, where labour force is the number of unemployed people plus number of employed people (Parkin et al, 2010:502). Number of people unemployed Unemployment = X 100 Labour Force Statistics in South Africa show that â€Å"In Q4:2008, there were approximately 3. 9 million people unemployed in South Africa and during the financial and economic crisis, the level of unemployment climbed rapidly, reaching a peak of 4. million in Q1:2010† (Labour Force Survey 2012), this can be best explained as f luctuation of job creation because, during a recession when the country is facing economic hardships the number of jobs shrinks and this influences a spike in the unemployment rate (Parkin et al, 2010:449). The unemployment rate in South Africa will never drop to zero because it is a developing country and does not have a very high Gross Domestic Product which is â€Å"†¦the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given time period† (Parkin et al, 2010:468), when GDP is low, there is an increase in unemployment because there are few goods produced there for a limited labour force is needed to produce the few goods. The number of unemployed people rose to 4. 5 million in Q2:2011, but declined during the second half of 2011, In Q1:2012, the number of unemployed people rose by 282 000, reaching 4. 5 million, which is the same level observed in Q2:2011† (Labour Force Survey 2012). Unemployment is a major issue in South Africa and the only way to manage it is by increasing our entrepreneurial strategy, supporting Small and Medium Enterprises as well as being united as a nation (Ramaphosa 2012). Job creation is not just a strategy to deal with unemployment but it is also going to eradicate poverty and this will increase the living conditions of every South African citizen. Mr Ramaphosa notes that unemployment is hindering our endeavor to eradicate poverty and also reduce the inequality gap (Ramaphosa 2012). The National Development Plan (NDP) which was produced in 2011 by the National Planning Commission has been put in place as strategy to deal with unemployment and Mr Ramaphosa explains that â€Å"It envisages the creation of 11 million jobs by 2030, and a reduction in levels of unemployment from about 25% to 6%† (Ramaphosa 2012). The NDP plans on involving the government as well as the labour sector to play a role, an expansion of the public works programme is going to help reduce unemployment because it will be offering work experiences and skills to those people who are unemployed. Minimizing the cost of doing business helps small companies to get into business and also employ people to work; the NDP also states that tax subsidy will be granted to businesses to minimize the cost of recruiting young people (NDP Summary 2011), this will result in job creation and hence unemployment is reduced. Unemployment affects the whole country because due to unemployment there will be low standard of living Mr Ramaphosa explains that employment is the core of humanity (Ramaphosa 2012), when unemployment is high crime rates tend to increase as well because need to earn a living, so since they cannot find jobs they resort to robbery, drug trafficking and prostitution, this helps explain the high crime rates and HIV Aids rate in South Africa. Economically unemployment leads to loss of production therefore low GDP because there are no people who can work to help make more products; there is also lack and underutilization of human capital when there are high rates of unemployment (Parkin et al, 2010:468). Conclusion The NDP has been put in place to help manage unemployment in South Africa and if it gets support from everyone 11 million jobs will be created by 2030. Unemployment increases crime rates and hence need to be managed properly. The government plans on reducing the costs of doing business and that way there can be creation of employment, the works programme is also going to be sed to provide skills to people who do not have jobs, and above all education for all has to be achieved so as to eradicate unemployment and hence poverty.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Teachers Shape Lives Through Words and Actions Essay -- Philosophy of

Teachers Shape Lives Through Words and Actions There was a teacher who paddled so hard that a child was bruised, a teacher who yelled so much that a child was broken, and a teacher who criticized so much that a child was hopeless. But, there was a teacher who loved so truthfully that a child smiled, and learned, and dreamed, and grew. Teachers shape lives. And the way a teacher understands, instructs, and treats a student determines the shape of that life. This is a great responsibility that must be entered into with patience and love. This educational philosophy can be described through a discussion of the nature of students, the nature of knowledge, the purpose of public education, methodology, and curriculum. There is much to be considered because the life of a child is priceless. First, let us look at the nature of students. Students are human beings, just like the rest of the world, searching for guidance, care, and acceptance. They may be born innocent as Rousseau believes, but by the time they come to school, they’ve been home with parents/guardians for years. Therefore, students are coming to school with many different characteristics and behaviors learned from home. Children are good imitators and their nature can be changed by the influences of the teacher and environment, as Rousseau demonstrated. Since a common denominator here is the fact that we are all humans, teachers need only to look inside themselves to understand the basic nature of the student and how that individual can be reached. Since humans are unique in many ways, the nature of knowledge is relative. Some people are born with more intelligence than others, and some have been encourag... ...o science, social studies, history, art, and music. Health and physical wellness should also begin at an early age in order to establish healthy choices for life. The subjects should be interrelated and compelling to the students by applying them to their everyday lives and interests, as pointed out by Pragmatist, George Herbert Meade. Teachers shape lives through words and actions. It is a great responsibility to show guidance, care, and acceptance to all children and to inspire them to become the best that they can be. This philosophy has been discussed in the areas of the nature of students, the nature of knowledge, the purpose of public education, methodology, and curriculum. In order to help a child, I must teach, and be teachable. I must speak and listen. I must look into their eyes and understand. They must look into mine and know truth.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Problems of Conducting Research Into the Causes of Stress Essay

One problem when conducting research into the causes of stress is the generalisation of the sample, if the sample is restricted; this has limitations in terms of generalising the results to the total population. In the study by Johansson, a sample of only 24 workers was used and from a specific job type. This sample is unreflective of all job types and is too small to be applicable to the general population. Conclusions made may only be relevant to this sample. However it could be argued that the factors that cause stress in jobs such as deadlines and the dependence of others on you are common in all types of jobs and therefore using a sample of the specific job type becomes less restricted and applicable to other people in jobs with common stressors. A second problem when conducting research into causes of stress is the validity of measurements. Validity refers to whether the results measure what they are supposed to measure and this is often affected by the research method. The self report method is often questioned in terms of validity as participants have the ability to give socially desirable answers and steer away from the truth. In the study by Kanner, questionnaires were posted out to participants and a Hassles and uplifts scale was asked to be completed every month for 9 months and the Berkman life events scale after 10 months. This study, due to the use of self report lacks in validity, as researches are unsure as to whether data obtained reflects the true opinions of participants, which is an issue when trying to apply to everyday life. However the self report method is useful, despite it lacking in validity. It gives participants the freedom to write about their own subjective feelings and due to stress being individually perceived differently, it is useful in tailoring treatment to individuals to meet their needs. A third problem is reductionism, studies often reduce many factors that cause an individual stress to one factor, such as in the case of Johansson study, it was concluded work was the source of stress. However individual factors such as personality could play a role, researchers do not know that stress prone individuals are more likely to be in a high risk job. By failing to take into account other factors, resources and time may be used in the wrong area. However reductionism is useful as it does pinpoint an area that causes stress and allows in-depth research to be carried out to help participants.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Physical and Mental Abuse on Slaves Essay

The essay is about the how significant both physical and mental abuse was important for the slave owners described in the Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass. Frederick Douglass who was born in 1895 might have been the most influential African-American of his time or possibly ever. He rose up from the hardships he had from his birth to become a internationally known writer and orator. Douglass was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland and was thought to be fathered by one of his masters. In Maryland he had a rather easy life for a slave, he was an inside slave who cleaned and helped watched one of the masters children. This benefited him greatly both then and in the future because Thomas, the boy he attended too, helped Frederick read and write. From Tuckahoe, Frederick was moved to Baltimore then to Colonel Lloyd’s Plantation. Then from there he moved to St. Michael. Then to Mr. Covey a slave breaker. This was a major turning point in Frederick Douglasses life because for the fi rst time in his life he stood up to a white master in control of him and won the situation. This greatly increased Frederick’s confidence in himself and he want and desire to runaway and become a freed slave. As I read in the story he acomplished this task and he makes a life for himself that every other slave could only dream of. Frederick Douglass was a rare case of slave, in the way that he was not poisoned by the ways masters had control of slaves. In this way there is two types of ways masters dominated slaves. Physically and Mentally, both maybe equally as powerful and influential on the idea of dominance a master used over a slave. So in this essay I will discuss both the idea of Mental and Physical dominance over a slave examples of each and what the purpose of this was to do. To me I feel that one of the most basic parts of dominance over a slave is a masters Physical dominance over them. Obviously beatings and whippings are some of the most general types of physical dominance a master would do to his slave. Whippings in a sense showed a type of superiorism over the slave, especially when they did something that was â€Å"wrong† or sometimes just to show superiority. Although this is the most obvious and most commonly used form of physical dominance, it was not the only one. Another thing a master might do to show dominance over their slaves in the physical form would be to give them very little clothes. This left slaves very cold and made them want to get done with their work better to get in a warmer environment. Another thing that is not emphasized so much in history or very much in this novel is ra pe. A master might rape his female slaves to either pregnant a slave to make their ownership of slaves larger and also to show a general dominance over the slave, letting them know that they could do that and there wasn’t much they could do about it because he was the master. Although these methods were cruel and at times extremely grotesque masters saw this as nessicary to enforce their status as a master over slaves. But this was not the only method used to show their superiority over the slaves. Slave owners also used many forms of mental domination to rule slaves. In my personal opinion I feel this method was much more effective over slaves than that of physical dominance. I feel this was more effective in the sense that slaves didn’t always realize that they were doing this and if a master could break a slave down emotionally and mentally then he owned the slave in a sense and physical forms of dominance were not as nessicary to enforce superiority over the slaves. One way a master might mentally dominate a slave would be to separate them from their families. This was a good idea because it broke up family bonds between slaves and secluded their identity and knowledge of their heredity, which completely destroyed any sense of pride that was in a slave. This also would insure loyalty to a master, since a family was not present in the slaves life, a slave in an ironic way might see their master as a form of family. Another thing the masters would do would be to seclud e them from knowledge. The more a master could keep his slaves ignorant the more sure he could be that the slave would be loyal and not devise an idea to become free or to revolt and cause problems with a master. This also kept out the problem of a master having to worry about a slave becoming more intelligent than that of his or her’s master. One last example of mental dominance over a slave was false consciousness. This method would fool a slave into a system that benefits the master. One example a master might do to enforce false consciousness would be to give them holidays off of work. This would make the slaves believe that a master might really actually care about the slaves and their well being, but intern helped the masters so that the slaves would then feel the urge to be more loyal to him. Both forms of dominance over the slaves regardless were extremely effective in keeping salves in check by their masters. Physical was more of a last resort type of dominance and was good for rebel type slaves and just to show every once in awhile to a slave who ran what. While mental dominance on the other hand was more of a mischievous form of dominance that held a tighter wrath over the slaves an was something that was very hard to defy and rebel against. Either way dominance was a key part in a masters plan to keep a plantation and slaves working to his benefit.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Father Sickness

like "cancer", "tumor", "chemotherapy", etc. - were all terms describing a simple illness that went away as fast as the common cold. Upon seeing what was happening to my father, I then realized that colon cancer was neither quick nor painless, but rather agonizing and disturbing. After vomiting, my dad lifted his frail head up and uttered a weak "Hello," before vomiting even more. I looked at our friend, and I understood the look on his face. "Let's go to my house, Jeff," he said, "Let your dad rest - he has been fighting brave and hard." My dad, my hero; the one whom I cherished and looked up to for love and guidance, was now battling for his life. His colon cancer was first detected in 1987, and for the next two years or so, things got worse as the illness became more and more malignant. The whole situation was then exacerbated by a series of debilitating surgeries and chemotherapy treatments. Because of this ordeal, my mom had to spend most of her ti... Free Essays on Father Sickness Free Essays on Father Sickness I still remember, quite vividly, that one day about ten or eleven years ago. A family friend had just brought me and my sister home from an outing, and he was walking us into our house. I would soon discover that after walking through my white front doors, I would never be quite the same again - I would finally and completely realize the grave situation that would have the most influence on my life thereafter. Upon entering the house, I could smell a very sour and acrid odor emanating from the living room, and I could also hear a person groaning disconcertingly. As we walked slowly into the living room, a staggering sight met our eyes. There, lying face down on a couch, was my father, with an ashen-faced complexion. His head was completely bald, and his grisly figure appeared enervated. He was gasping for air, and then suddenly, without a warning, he grabbed a blue pan, put his face to it, and just vomited with such vehemence that it really shook me. Before this, I used to think word s like "cancer", "tumor", "chemotherapy", etc. - were all terms describing a simple illness that went away as fast as the common cold. Upon seeing what was happening to my father, I then realized that colon cancer was neither quick nor painless, but rather agonizing and disturbing. After vomiting, my dad lifted his frail head up and uttered a weak "Hello," before vomiting even more. I looked at our friend, and I understood the look on his face. "Let's go to my house, Jeff," he said, "Let your dad rest - he has been fighting brave and hard." My dad, my hero; the one whom I cherished and looked up to for love and guidance, was now battling for his life. His colon cancer was first detected in 1987, and for the next two years or so, things got worse as the illness became more and more malignant. The whole situation was then exacerbated by a series of debilitating surgeries and chemotherapy treatments. Because of this ordeal, my mom had to spend most of her ti...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Bacchae essays

The Bacchae essays All work for no play makes one a dull boy/girl this timely phrase has been ingrained in modern minds across the western world. Spawns of todays society often believe in going out and seizing the day carpe diem. In much of the western world, people are taught to go out and experience life, to fulfill their passions and devotions, and to enjoy their short time they have on earth. This tradition reigns most fervently in highly-developed countries such as the United States, Japan, France, Britain, Australia, etc. The young celebrate a long weeks work with a Friday night of intoxicating fun at a party. A family ventures into the realm of extreme sports by taking a weekend ski trip. People put themselves through the excruciating pains of punches and bloody noses when they enter boxing matches. People dive off from a moving plane hundreds of feet above the ground. People blow their eardrums away at concerts, jumping up and down screaming like there is no tomorrow. There is a gener al belief within much of the western world that to be a truly successful and fulfilled person, one must incorporate outrageous activities that allow one to really experience the wild side of life into ones ordered, structured life. This thought come in large part from the New Age thought and economic prosperity, but its roots can ultimately be traced back to the ancient Greek tradition, stemming in part from Euripides The Bacchae. The Bacchae shows, through the extreme ends of tyrannical control and absolute frenzy, the need for balance between strict order and manic passion, or else, society will be doomed. Life cannot exist without stern organization, but simultaneously, life cannot exist without frenzied fervor. The Bacchae presents the twin struggle between restraint and release. Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, prophecy, religious ecstasy and fertility, begins the play alr...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Charless Law Definition in Chemistry

Charles's Law Definition in Chemistry Charless law is a gas law that states gases expand when heated. The law is also known as the law of volumes. The law takes its name from French scientist and inventor Jacques Charles, who formulated it in the 1780s. Charless Law  Definition Charless Law is an ideal gas law where at constant pressure, the volume of an ideal gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature. The simplest statement of the law is: V/T k where V is volume, T is absolute temperature, and k is a constantVi/Ti Vf/TfwhereVi initial pressureTi initial temperatureVf final pressureTf final temperature Charless Law and Absolute Zero If the law is taken to its natural conclusion, it appears the volume of a gas approaches zero and its temperature nears absolute zero. Gay-Lussac explained this could only be true if the gas continued to behave as an ideal gas, which it was not. Like other ideal gas laws, Charless law works best when applied to gases under normal conditions.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What is the Gilgamesh Epic or Stories and how does it compare with the Research Paper

What is the Gilgamesh Epic or Stories and how does it compare with the Biblical account of the flood - Research Paper Example The epic story has been of great interest to Christians since it has a lot of comparison with the biblical story of Noah. In connection to this, the main of this paper is to compare the Gilgamesh epic story with the biblical account of the flood. The author of the poem talks about a relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Enkidu was a king but he was very self-centred while Gilgamesh was a bully (Meyers 4). Therefore, when the two became friends, they kept checking on one another. The relationship, Gilgamesh had with the king, made the citizens of the country to like him very much. In connection to this, when the king passed, he was appointed to become the king. Although, the relationship Noah had with God was a little different from the relationship Gilgamesh had with Enkidu but still some comparison can be drawn. For example, God was annoyed by the way, mankind was sinning (Epic of Gilgamesh 7). Therefore, he wanted to destroy the whole earth, but because He loved Noah very much, He decided to spare the earth. It is this for Noah that is why God decided to give mankind a second chance. So, He instructed Noah to construct a big arch. The purpose of the arch was to house animals of different kinds both male and female, so that during the destruction of the world they can be spared. After becoming the king Gilgamesh started competing with God, he decided to look for ways of becoming immortal. It is this completion with the gods that annoyed them. According to the author, the gods were so angry with king that they wanted to destroy the whole world. However, because there was some other people in the town who were righteous, the gods decided to give them another chance (Kelly 7). Therefore, the gods instructed one of the servant, who according to them was righteous to build a big arch (Epic of Gilgamesh 8). Then he was strictly instructed to choose only those people who were living according to the lands of the law, and take them to the

Friday, October 18, 2019

ACCOUNTING ASSIGNMENT Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

ACCOUNTING - Assignment Example The following suggestions are discussed in depth in this report. We are under budget on revenue and over budget on expenses. This means that we are under budget on the profit. We do not have a balance sheet and the accounts on our Profit & Loss report are general accounts at best. There is no record of what types of appointments the customers are requesting instead we know the quantity of them but not the quality of the appointments. We have a retail area that accounts for a small percentage of the revenue. We do not know how long customers are here for their appointments so instead we guess at it. We do not suffer from seasonality therefore we have a steady stream of clients coming in all year round. This opens up a great opportunity for us to track repeat customers as well as new customers. We have the privilege of having great name recognition within the community which helps us to get repeat business. We also do not have any direct competition and this helps us to constantly keep a steady flow of customers coming through the doors. Our main weakness starts with our inability to track our clients and our personnel. We do not know what type of massage our customers want until they are in the room with one of our therapists. This makes it difficult to decide which types of massage to offer and not offer. It also makes it difficult to determine prices for each type of massage. We have the opportunity to cross sell our customers if we were to improve our methods of reporting information. Our retail sales could increase if we were to focus in on our customers’ needs by keeping better records of each one and what they request while they are here. We could also use this information for marketing any new services. We need to have a better grasp on the budget. Our numbers are way off and we need to get a better idea of what our projections should be. Our projections should be based off our prior year along with some growth

Sources work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sources work - Assignment Example Bernard (2011) claims that the smoke has very high toxicity levels so harmful to the human life given the amount of chemicals contained in the cigarette. He goes ahead to quite cite the actual fact that toxicologists and health care professionals have gone a long way in finding several harmful chemicals in the cigarette. Cigarettes are the most popular, most addictive and the deadliest form of tobacco ever to be used (World Health Organization). These contrasting ideas between smoking enthusiasts (revelers) and the equally enthusiastic dissidents create an interesting discovery of facts about smoking. If there is proof that smoking kills, with health professional’s strong campaigning against the ‘vice’, then why is the number of smokers increasing day after day? The US National Cancer Institute brings out the observation that some of the facts leading to someone talking up smoking may just be a social issue as opposed to personal or medical issue. Actually, smokin g has never been proved to cure any health problem apart from allegations by some health researchers that Cannabis has some medical content (Kobus). The review of this work therefore seeks to point out the effects of smoking to the body of the smoker and those who are physically close to him/her. This will also seek to establish whether smoking in public should be Okayed as a legal aspect of life or be deemed illegal by the law. A report on smoking was as released on September 17th 2009 by Dr. Jen Doe and Dr. Chris DeSanto had very comprehensive information about effects of smoking. These two medical professionals are members of the Georgetown Hospitals Community Pediatrics Program and have served as campaigners for Tobacco Free Kids in America. Their work was seconded strongly by the American Medical Student Association having produced accurate reports on kids and smoking (Doe and DeSanto). This article about children and smoking reflects on effects of smoking by

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Persuasive Memo Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Persuasive Memo - Research Paper Example Lexington has a healthy population of African and Hispanic community which is a cause for rise of social crime in the society. As per ( City Rating,2013)â€Å"In 2010 the city violent crime rate in Lexington was higher than the violent crime rate in Kentucky by 136.81% and the city property crime rate in Lexington was higher than the property crime rate in Kentucky by 44%†.The young Africans and Hispanics are more into substance abuse and crimes as poverty and social ignorance lead them to this. It is the obligation and responsibility of Corporate like Cold stream laboratories to perform activities that can upgrade the community and people living it. So a social awareness centre would bring youth who are misled together and enhance their knowledge about drug abuse and criminal activities. They will be guided to stop addictive substances and lead life which is productive and beneficial. Operation of Social Awareness centre The operation of the social awareness starts with estab lishing a building in a right location with facilities needed for it. The next important thing is appointment of right professionals in the centre. A social awareness centre must have more of voluntary workers who are keen on social support work. Only important therapists and medical experts need to be hired with pay. The social awareness centre must operate on a daily basis and should consider people from all social backgrounds. People should be given assistance free of cost and the quality of service should be of highest standard. The centre should be operating from morning to evening and would not work round the clock. Hygiene must be of highest priority at all times. The operation of the social awareness centre must be in an organized manner and the all the details of the people getting the service need to be recorded. It is also the duty of the volunteer social workers to find people who need the service .The centre must have all the records and activities being monitored by a managerial head that would also look out for any discrepancies. The centre needs to have different therapy which deals with different issues. The people coming in would be analyzed first for their problems and then the needed service will be provided. According to ( Brooks, 2013) â€Å"A top priority for many organizations today is corporate social responsibility, which focuses on how businesses deal with their environmental, social and economic impacts†. Implementation of Social Awareness Centre Implementing the program starts with a blue print of the centre and proper planning of the staff needed and the working system. A business plan is the foundation in implementing a corporate social responsibility program. Measurable targets needs to be set along with performance standards. The commitments need to be strategized and employees need to hand over responsibilities. The needs of the local community need to be analyzed and decision needs to be made accordingly. The senior ma nagement needs to finalize the goals and strategies of the program. According to (Hohnen, 2007) â€Å"When implementing a CSR strategy, companies should recognize and respect local and cultural differences, while maintaining high and consistent global standards and policies†. It is very important to make decisions regarding the financial and human resources needed for the program. The code of conduct, guidelines of the centre needs to be established. Responsibility and authority of the employees

Security and Loss Prevention Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Security and Loss Prevention - Assignment Example The general investigation steps to verify the validity of the embezzlement allegations are as follows: (1) document the event and prepare a report to contain the information revealed by the employee; (2) interview the person who reported the incident through whatever means possible; (3) talk to the senior managers to whom the plant controller is reporting to for the purpose of finding out any unusual transactions perceived to have been contracted by the plant controller and verifying if the tip has any basis (but making sure to emphasize full confidentiality and privacy of the issues); (4) identify other possible employees who could have known the incident or those within the plant controller’s chain of command; (5) contact the CEO and CFO to inform them of the investigations on the plant controller; (6) remove the plant controller from the division discreetly; (7) evaluate and determine the extent of the loss; (8) decide on the need to enforce either a temporary operating pro cedures and policies or a full closure within the division being investigated (Carnie, 2012; Turner, 2009). In preparation for the interviews, note the order of the witnesses who would be interviewed and how you would plan, conduct, and document your interviews. In preparation for the interviews, all people who are within the chain of command of the plant controller should be included. Likewise, those who could have knowledge of overriding existing controls should also be investigated. As emphasized by Carnie (2012), â€Å"identify those employees (at every level of the company) who had both access and opportunity to commit the theft, as well as those who may have known of the theft but failed to disclose it. All employees with access and opportunity should be included in the investigation, regardless of their job record, length of employment, or stature within the company. Identifying such employees allows the employer to focus the investigation on as small a group of employees as possible with as little disclosure as possible† (par. 6). The order of the witnesses would be as follows: (1) the whistle blower; (2) the senior manager or the supervisor of the plant controller; (3) the CEO and CFO; (4) staff who are directly being superv ised by the plant controller; (5) staff who has knowledge of overriding external controls; (6) others who are identified to be potentially involved. The plan of action for the interview would be: (1) identification of people to be interviewed; (2) schedule specific interviews either in the office of senior management or the people to be inte

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Persuasive Memo Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Persuasive Memo - Research Paper Example Lexington has a healthy population of African and Hispanic community which is a cause for rise of social crime in the society. As per ( City Rating,2013)â€Å"In 2010 the city violent crime rate in Lexington was higher than the violent crime rate in Kentucky by 136.81% and the city property crime rate in Lexington was higher than the property crime rate in Kentucky by 44%†.The young Africans and Hispanics are more into substance abuse and crimes as poverty and social ignorance lead them to this. It is the obligation and responsibility of Corporate like Cold stream laboratories to perform activities that can upgrade the community and people living it. So a social awareness centre would bring youth who are misled together and enhance their knowledge about drug abuse and criminal activities. They will be guided to stop addictive substances and lead life which is productive and beneficial. Operation of Social Awareness centre The operation of the social awareness starts with estab lishing a building in a right location with facilities needed for it. The next important thing is appointment of right professionals in the centre. A social awareness centre must have more of voluntary workers who are keen on social support work. Only important therapists and medical experts need to be hired with pay. The social awareness centre must operate on a daily basis and should consider people from all social backgrounds. People should be given assistance free of cost and the quality of service should be of highest standard. The centre should be operating from morning to evening and would not work round the clock. Hygiene must be of highest priority at all times. The operation of the social awareness centre must be in an organized manner and the all the details of the people getting the service need to be recorded. It is also the duty of the volunteer social workers to find people who need the service .The centre must have all the records and activities being monitored by a managerial head that would also look out for any discrepancies. The centre needs to have different therapy which deals with different issues. The people coming in would be analyzed first for their problems and then the needed service will be provided. According to ( Brooks, 2013) â€Å"A top priority for many organizations today is corporate social responsibility, which focuses on how businesses deal with their environmental, social and economic impacts†. Implementation of Social Awareness Centre Implementing the program starts with a blue print of the centre and proper planning of the staff needed and the working system. A business plan is the foundation in implementing a corporate social responsibility program. Measurable targets needs to be set along with performance standards. The commitments need to be strategized and employees need to hand over responsibilities. The needs of the local community need to be analyzed and decision needs to be made accordingly. The senior ma nagement needs to finalize the goals and strategies of the program. According to (Hohnen, 2007) â€Å"When implementing a CSR strategy, companies should recognize and respect local and cultural differences, while maintaining high and consistent global standards and policies†. It is very important to make decisions regarding the financial and human resources needed for the program. The code of conduct, guidelines of the centre needs to be established. Responsibility and authority of the employees

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Enlightenment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enlightenment - Essay Example His opening sentence highlights ridiculous French laws, regarding diet and medicine, denying individuals the right to look after their body as they deemed fit. Once into the realms of science, philosophy and experimentation, his comments on Galileo, by how he phrases them, show his great admiration for the man and his work. His brilliant use of irony indicting the government in question, suggests it was legislating against the mind. New ideas and discoveries should be encouraged rather than punished. Jefferson ridicules that government in Galileo's case for its reaction against reason and innovative thinking. His tongue-in-cheek phrase: The quotation reflects their philosophies. Bacon took Galileo's work and formalized it, suggesting that challenging orthodoxy, observing nature, using reason, would lead to true knowledge - experimentation would verify it. Jefferson incorporates Bacon's philosophies and methods, now He rejects some of the Rationalism of Descartes; that excluding reference to the external world, suggesting knowledge is gained by reason alone. Jefferson, a man of science and practical action, accepted the ideas of critical questioning, but was less impressed with the concept of thought without investigation or experimentation. The inference here may be that this particular founding-father of the Enlightenment did not wholly fit with Jefferson's views. The quotation provides evidence of his admiration and commitment to the work and philosophy of Isaac Newton, containing reference to his theory of gravity, and how its power and truth was accepted through reason, not legislation. Newton is a seeker after the truth whose findings could not be overturned. Newton took Galileo's work and and astrological studies of his time, defined natural laws, and presented incontrovertible truths. Scientific research, experimentation, sharing the knowledge, were all aspects of the man whose thinking Jefferson admired. His remarks regarding Newton prove he is reflecting Enlightenment thinking and values. There is a connection between Jefferson's own religious beliefs and the upsurge of Natural Theology which resulted from Newton's work. The idea that Nature is proof of the Divine, a Master Designer, appealed to Jefferson, who espoused the aspect of Scientific Deism, which contends that Nature was the result of Divine Creation, then goes on to operate under universal laws. Jefferson sees in Newton what Enlightenment means in practice.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Accreditation Audit Essay Example for Free

Accreditation Audit Essay With all of the possible problems that could occur during surgery, a wrong-site, wrong-patient mistake is one that should never arise. Nightingale Community Hospital (NCH) fully understands the importance of doing away with these errors and has set up protocol to work towards this goal. While the protocol is in place, it is not fully compliant with Joint Commission (JC) standards. Standard: UP.01.01.01: Conduct a preprocedure verification process. Nightingale Community Hospital has a Site Identification and Verification policy and procedure. Within this policy, and Preoperative/Preprocedure Verification Process is addressed. There is also a Preprocedure Hand-Off form present. This form is a bit misleading as it is essentially a hand-off form in general with a few extra boxes possible for check-off. To prepare for inspection and audit, NCH should create and implement a form for use within the Operating Theater or wherever procedures are performed, such as bedside procedures. This form needs to be more specific in addressing at least the minimum requirements by JC. The form needs to cite that all relevant documentation is present, such as signed consent form, nursing assessment, preanesthesia assessment, history and physical. The form also needs to specify that the necessary diagnostic and radiology test results, rather they be images and scans, or biopsy reports, and properly displayed and labeled. Finally, to fulfill the minimum requirements by JC, any and all required blood products, implants, devices, and special equipment needs to be labeled and matched to the patient. Standard: UP.01.02.01: Mark the procedure site. NCH covers the procedure site marking standard fairly well within their Site Identification and Verification Policy. It mentions that site marking is needed for those cases involving laterality, multiple structures, or levels. Several times in their policy NCH mentions that it is best to have the patient involved, if at all possible. If the patient is unable to mark the site, the policy states that the physician will be called to mark the site. The policy states that the mark shall be made in permanent black marker so it will remain visible after skin preparation, and also in a location that will remain visible after sterile draping is in place. The policy also  includes circumstances in which the marking will be unable to be performed based on the location of the surgery being in an area that is unable to be marked. Standard: UP.01.03.01: A time-out is performed before the procedure. Nightingale Community Hospital has an adequate procedure in place for the time-out performance. Within the Site Identification and Verification Policy, the Time-Out Procedure complies with JC standards. A time-out is to be conducted immediately prior to performance of the procedure, it is initiated by the nurse or technologist, it involves all personnel involved in the procedure, the team members agree to a minimum of patient identity, correct site, and correct procedure to be performed, and all of this information is documented in the record, including those involved and the duration of the time-out. The only issue not addressed fully is the possibility of multiple procedures occurring on the same patient by different practitioners, and in that case, an additional time-out needs to be done for every new procedure. The Communication priority focus area is an extremely important area for any hospital. This is a common sense area that should be able to reach complete compliance. A wrong-patient, wrong-site issue should never arise and is completely avoidable. In 2010, Joint Commission reported that wrong-patient/site surgeries continued to be the most frequently reported sentinel event(Spath 2011).Jay Arthur states that JC reports between four and six wrong-site surgeries per day(2011). The World Health Organization believes that at least 500,000 deaths per year could be prevented if the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist was correctly implemented. These numbers, when compared with the possibility of 100% compliance, are astounding and completely avoidable. Nightingale Community Hospital is well on their way to avoiding these types of sentinel events through usages of proper protocol, procedures, and policy as is seen by the upward trend from their last year of self-checks. With continued diligence and appropriate modifications made, this can be an area that NCH, and any other hospital can be fully compliant in. References Arthur, J. (2011). Lean six sigma for hospitals: Simple steps to fast, affordable, flawless healthcare. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Spath, P. L. (2011). Error reduction in health care: A systems approach to improving patient safety (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jossy-Bass. WHO (2013). WHO | Safe surgery saves lives. Retrieved from [Last Accessed November 5, 2013].

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Lord Rama as a Leader in Ramayana

Lord Rama as a Leader in Ramayana LORD RAMA AS MARYADA PURSHOTTAM- A LEADER IN WAR AND PEACE, AS NARRATED IN RAMAYANA Israelmore Ayivor has said, â€Å"True leaders are like statues, whether it rains or it shines, they never bend their necks to look backwards! They never run away from challenges!†[1] Lord Rama is one such leader who is also known to be the avatar, incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Swami Vivekananda has described the immortal character of lord Rama in these words, Rama, the ancient idol of the heroic ages, the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband, and above all, the ideal king, this Rama has been presented by the great sage, Valmiki.[2] Shri Ramchandra exhibits exceptional qualities of religious behaviour and therefore is fondly termed as ‘maryada purushottam’. Maryada meaning the inner moral principles, ethics, customs or rules and Purushottam relates to being the best amongst all men. He personifies the highest of human values, never deviating from the virtuous path in thought, or action, even in the most critical situations. He has shown many qualities of a righteous king and a noble human being. His model behaviour and conduct made him a leader par excellence and that is why he is popularly termed as Maryada Purushottam (perfect man). Transformational leadership and lord Rama. The transformational leadership has been long demonstrated by Lord Rama thousands of years ago before the introduction of this concept and model by Burns (1978)[3] and latter by Bass and Avoilio (1994)[4]. Burns emphasized on the mutual process between a leader and a follower, wherein each one makes an effort to increase the other’s level of motivation. In the first book (Bala Kand) itself, the qualities and characteristics of Rama as a true leader have been dealt with in detail, which resulted in acquiring love, admiration, respect, and trust of all the people of Ayodhya. He as a transformational leader inspired his followers to imbibe his values and connect with his ideologies. There can be quite a few other valuableleadership lessonsfrom the ‘ideal’ man and the warrior prince Lord Rama, which can be imbibed by the military leaders of all the three wings of any defence organisation. Lord Rama as a leader was exceptional and led the way. The best way to create a positive work atmosphere is by leading through example and by ensuring that the team is highly motivated. This is exactly what Rama did with his threebrothers. As the eldest, he set an example for theyounger ones by always being fair and courteous yet stern when required. The whole of Ramayana is full of such examples, especially during the last leg of the Ramayana battle, Rama inspired his army to inculcate virtues like intelligence, skill, commitment, strategy to succeed. Lord Rama as leader was a participative leader and didn’t force his decisions upon others. Rama being a participative leader knew how to tackle situations with a cool-headed attitude and listen to others to encourage frank and open discussion on every aspect. Rama gives a patient hearing to advice from his allies while preparing for war against Ravana and thus, managed to extract valuable clues of Sita’s whereabouts. It is evident in Ramayana that Lord Rama inspired his army to fight an epic battle and be jubilant! He never forced his decision of leaving the palace for exile, not even on his own wife Sita and brother Laxman. Instead, he dissuaded both of them to stay in Ayodhya and let him proceed. Rama was a humble leader and followed ethics and a code of conduct. Lord Rama was a solicitous and a humble man. In fact, Rama declared his dedication to dharma when he offered Ravana a final chance to make peace on the battleground.[5] When Ravana walked to battle on the first day due to inadequate preparations and was rendered weaponless, Rama being a leader by ethics followed the code of chivalry during war and stipulated that an unarmed enemy should not be attacked. Humility was Rama’s most outstanding virtue, which made him so popular. He had no hesitation in eating the tasted fruits offered by Shabri during his exile. When Lord Rama finally reached Lanka, he welcomed Vibishana, the brother of his own enemy King Ravana to his side and embraced him like a brother. In spite of knowing that Vibishana was the brother of the demon King Ravana, he identified true and pure devotion and love. He welcomed him warmly and made him his best friend instantly in spite of some differenc es and arguments against this in his camp.Lord Rama being a humble leader, smiled and helped everyone to show genuine concern, and managed to fight a war on his own terms and conditions and finally win it. Rama was an unbiased leader. A leader has a personalised point of view which is exhibited in his own unique way. In Ramayana, Lord Rama shared his views and thought processes and opinions with Lakshmana, Hanumana, Sugriva and Vibheeshana. But that doesnt do any harm to anyone else. There was no prejudice against anyone as far as the king-subject relationship was concerned. It is a well-known fact that the Vanara sena (monkey army), proved to be one of the most essential links to win the epic battle. A leader also creates more leaders. Rama as a true leader in war believed in his army’s abilities and hence strengthened them as per the overall objective. Lord Rama helped Sugriva and Vibheeshana to establish their own kingdoms, similarly able military leaders should create and inspire effective potential leaders for the future. Rama was a leader having a clear vision. The mission of the army led by Lord Rama had a clear vision to rescue his wife Sita from the clutches of the Lanka king Ravana. This clarity of thoughts enabled the army to put their best to win the battle and finally achieve the positive desired outcome. Rama was a leader full of integrity. Lord Rama, despite his immense hardships and misfortune, never stepped aside from his chosen path. He always maintained a certain yardstick for himself and his team, thereby gaining big dividends in terms of achieving his ultimate goal. Rama was a learning leader. Rama kept himself under the guidance of the learned sages and ascetics, and frequently learned much about the nature of life. Significantly, he also learnt advanced techniques of archery and other techniques of warfare, which served him well during his final battle with the evil king Ravana. Rama was a role model and inspired everyone. Lakshmana, Rama’s younger brother, constantly looked up to his elder brother, and thus was willing to help him through all the challenges life threw at him. So all the military leaders should motivate their teams and continuously reward success and initiative. Rama was an understanding leader. It is evident in Ramayana that Rama was a true leader, as he understood the problems faced by his team members and thereby helped them in whichever ways he could. Like for instance, during his time spent in the forest he met Sugreeva who was abandoned by his own brother Bali. He then went ahead and helped Sugreeva in regaining his throne. In addition, he was instrumental in killing the demons that used to often regularly trouble the sages in the forest. APPLICATION OF LEADERSHIP TRAITS OF LORD RAMA IN A MILITARY ORGANISATION The above-mentioned leadership lessons as exhibited by Lord Rama in the epic Ramayana, if applied and implemented properly can form the basis of success of all types of organizations especially the military organization (Army, Air Force, Navy). Leadership in military is not just restricted to some handful of seniors with high-sounding titles, but permeates all across organizational levels managing personnel. It has been evident that a good leadership example like Lord Rama can enhance the overall motivational level and productivity in any military set-up. In the military scenario, one can succeed and many a battles can be won, if there is relevant knowledge for the same. Like Rama, military leaders have to be confident and show no signs of desperation. Military leaders have to be on top and keep a track of what is happening and gain full control of the war scenario. They should look confident and behave as one too, so that they are able to communicate to their subordinates that they are determined to extract positive outcomes for the benefit of their nation and their territory. The impact of an alert, agile and action-oriented leadership cannot be underestimated. A good military leader should ensure that his men give him a patient hearing and conduct themselves on the battleground to win the hardest of battles. This would allow his team to find a proper base ground and explore its full potential. Military Leadership believes in bearing the brunt most of the time and led the way through model behavior. Military leaders in particular are leaders with a vision, and have the ability to see and put into perspective what others cannot. Communicating this vision to their followers and motivating them to work towards fulfilling it, is an extended challenge for a military leader. The chief ingredients of good leadership as portrayed by Rama in Ramayana primarily are character, courage and competence, which undoubtedly form the essence of success for any military organization. Character, in military context, is understood as self-discipline, loyalty, readiness to accept responsibility, and willingness to sacrifice whenever required. These qualities of Lord Rama can help in minimizing fear and maximizing sound judgement in any critical military situation thereby bringing success from a seemingly hopeless situation. For a military leader humility is one of the most difficult trait to exhibit, especially during war time. However, there is no denying the fact that it is also one of the most fru itful traits if used in the correct direction. Moreover, a foreseen vision will always be a motivating factor to focus on the goal and not be deviated. Every military leader needs to have a clear vision of what he is aiming for and what will it bear him in the future.[6] He also must be in sync with his followers or team members in order to attain his goals. A military leader should avoid cutting corners and everything, which makes him uncomfortable. This will ensure long-term organizational sincerity and loyalty. Today’s world is all about dynamism and keeping pace with new developments, which surely is a tough challenge. In the current information age where knowledge is wealth, an informed modern military leader should constantly strive to learn, and explore new subjects, deepen the understanding of old ones, and continuously upgrade him. Keeping abreast of the latest developments and advancements in modern means of warfare is the need of the hour and is expected of all con temporary military leaders. Contemporary military environment requires leaders who can perceive what is right and know how to mobilize people and resources to accomplish mutual goals.[7] Understanding individual team members and ensuring the requirements to keep each one ticking, is what is required in our present day defence organization too. Leaders of the armed forces should back their teams under all circumstances. They should know how to deal with their subordinates in order to make many of the followers, leaders in their own right thereby creating options and opportunities for their subordinates to inculcate self-confidence and optimism. In today’s military world the one man show does not promise success like the earlier days. Intelligently distributed responsibility and empowerment creates changes for good and more chances to win. So naturally it becomes quintessential for every department, every unit in the armed forces to create more and effective leaders than ever before. It surely would ensure more uniqueness; more tasks completed, more projects concluded, more missions accomplished, more promises achieved and most of all more trust build than ever before. [1] The Great Hand Book of Quotes, Israelmore Ayivor [2] Hinduism, By Hiro G. Badlani, pg 103, 01-Sep-2008 [3] Transformational Leadership, Burns, J. M. (1978). New York: Harper Row [4] Improving Organizational Effectiveness Through Transformational Leadership, Bernard M. Bass,Bruce J. Avolio, SAGE Publications, 1994 [5] [6] [7]

Saturday, October 12, 2019

New Developments in Genetic Cloning :: Cloning Argumentative Persuasive Argument

New Developments in Genetic Cloning      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since genetic cloning is a very wide topic, the focus of my paper lies mainly on the new discoveries which might be beneficial to human beings.   The focus of the first section of the paper is on the various cloning techniques geneticists use nowadays.   They techniques included range from the simplest and suitable for all situations, to complicated and suitable for certain areas.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The second section of the paper, the longest section, discusses five of the many researches performed over the last five years.   The researches are arranged in descending chronological order, dating from February 1997, to April 1992.   These researches are discussed because they all have one thing in common: they may be beneficial to human beings later on.   For example, the newest entry in my paper, and perhaps the one that shocked the whole world, was the report about the first successful clone mammal from non-embryonic cells.   This will be helpful in the future for patients waiting for organ transplants.   Scientists will be able to clone a fully functional organ, and replace it with the damaged one.   The report on the cloning of the human's morphine receptor is advantageous to us because this helps scientists to develop new analgesics.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The third section of the paper contains a brief discussion about the advantages and the disadvantages of genetic cloning.  Ã‚   It speculates how our future will improve due to the technologies we are developing, and also the biggest drawbacks which might come from it.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The last part of the paper, is the explanation of complicated terms used in this paper.   The terms which will be explained are printed in bold terms throughout the paper.   This section, the glossary, is like the ones which appears in textbooks.    New Developments or Research in Genetic Cloning         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Genetic cloning is one of the many aspects which has been recently introduced to improve our quality of live.   Researchers are trying to improve our lives everyday applying genetic engineering onto our everyday lives.   Cows can be genetically altered to produce more milk, receptors in our body could be cloned to improve our health.   The techniques and new research reported in this paper is just one tree out of the whole forest of genetic engineering.    Part I:   Techniques of Genetic Cloning      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Geneticists use different cloning methods for different purposes.   The method used to identify human diseases are different than the method used to clone a sheep.   The following are used techniques in genetic cloning.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Recombinant DNA      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In recombinant DNA, the desired segment is clipped from the surrounding DNA and copied millions of times.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Celsus Arguments Against Christianity

The first of 4 arguments I believe to be of importance is that of the virgin birth. Jesus claims to be born of a virgin in the town of Bethlehem. It was said that Jesus was born to a virgin and God himself. When it was time for Mary to give birth she and her husband set off to have God’s son. Because there was no room at an Inn Jesus was born in a stable. On the contrary to what the Christian religion believes Celsus says that Jesus was born to a mother who was a spinner, and his legitimate father a Roman soldier, Panthera (Celsus pg. 57). It seemed as if it ere common knowledge the transgressions that Jesus mother had committed with the Roman. When this was found out Jesus mother was cast out by her carpenter husband and convicted of adultery (Celsus pg. 57). The Jews then went on with the story by saying this was explained by the fact that Herod wanted Jesus killed so they fled to Egypt (Celsus pg. 59). Herod feared that the son of God was going to be born and become the rig htful king taking Herod’s throne. Herod sent out a decree that all male babies born would be put to death.Celsus felt that being a God, Jesus should have not been afraid of death, but yet embrace it like the roman Gods did. He was a king after all, and kings were noble, righteous, brave, and willing to die for their subjects. This argument against Jesus seems to be just the beginning, in my opinion, of the downfall of his character. The next point I feel valid to Celsus arguments is that of the Christian faith and their followers. Celsus argued that instead of Jesus wanting all to follow his disciples seemed to pray on the weak and dumb (Celsus pg. 73-75). Jesus followers were the weak, poor, lame, children, and women.This was hardly the kingdom that was respectable. Roman Gods had kingdoms and armies of all kinds. It takes men, women, children, poor and rich to have a community. This was not the case for Christians. Christians used the excuse that those who were educated, se nsible, or wise were evil (Celsus pg. 72). By welcoming only the weak and slow into the Christian fold it looks as if they can only sell their ideas to those who can’t think for themselves. It was like they were more interested in finding followers that were going to follow them no matter the stakes without any sort of challenge. Christianity seemed to be for the lower lass. This is surprising considering that Christianity was met with resistance from the Roman government where a lot of it needed to be done in secrecy. This seems to be a slap in the face to the Romans who encouraged progression and education, yet felt that loyalty was a must. Roman Gods are that of noble character and moral values. They surround themselves with people of the same likeness. Roman Gods were held to a higher standard and were expected to lead their lands with a moral compass and the best interests of everyone. They did not have the luxury of taking risky or even selfish chances.They had to be th e upmost and noblest of leaders to lead their people to a better life Jesus did not seem to follow this thinking, and surrounded himself with ten or eleven friends that he associated with (Celsus pg. 59) that were less than moral men, yet he was gaining followers (Celsus pg. 57). This was very dangerous to Rome. The next argument that seems to be of merit was that of GOD being God. In the reading Celsus makes points that the Christian God is nothing like the Greek and Roman Gods. The Christian God seemed as if he did not have an explanation as to why he let things happen to Good people.He did not have anyone he answered to. The Roman Gods and Kings were the authority of the land, but did not have the right to be reckless with their kingdoms and subjects. The decisions the Romans made affected everyone under their reign, and they made sure that what was done was done in the best interests of all. Not only was it their moral compass, but also an ironclad duty to guide those under thei r authority in the ways of rightness. God did not follow this thinking pattern. God was justified by his followers by saying that it was a test they needed o endure. He was never challenged, or even questioned. Questioning seems to be a bit of taboo. Celsus brings up important points about God being unreachable and unable to save them from harm. My thinking on this was that he was sitting up in the sky watching, but doing nothing. Celsus points out that God keeps his purposes to himself for long periods of time and just stands by when evil overcomes good (Celsus pg. 77). Instead of stopping the suffering that going on he continued to let it happen. He just stood by when plagues, fires, earthquakes, and famines riddled the land.It is hard to fathom God being all knowing and all mighty, yet he sits around and watches as thousands of his followers are killed through these disasters that he could have ceased with a single command or swipe of his hand. It does not seem to be something th at a God with love for his children would let happen if he truly loved them like Christians claim. Instead his followers continued to believe that they just needed to have faith and they would be delivered. For Christians God, in likeness, is thought to be as man is with hands, body, and a voice that he uses to speak to his followers.In fact, it says man is made of God’s likeness and image (Celsus pg. 103). Celsus disagreed with this point wholeheartedly. That is not how God is at all. It was known that the true God in his infinity is without shape or color (Celsus pg. 103). Celsus also showed discord in the fact that God is all powerful, but did nothing to save his own son from torture and death (Celsus pg. 39). Instead of using divine power, he let his son die a humiliating death. Kings and Gods would not have let this happen. They would have protected their own with everything they had, even if this meant their own deaths.The last argument that seemed to have merit for me in this book would have to be that of Christianity being unoriginal, and taken instead from many other religions. Instead of being something original and brought about by itself. The Christian faith is just a melting pot of many other religions and laws. It is said that Moses wrote their history so it reflected them in a positive light. His doctrine was not only held by him, but many other nations and cities such as Egypt, Assyrians, Indians, Persians, Gaul, Getae, and so on (Celsus pg. 55). Many of the laws that are eld by Christianity were given their start by other nations. Even circumcision was said to be started by another society and picked up by the Jews. It seems as if all the facts are more of fables and stories from other people. It is even said that God’s wisdom and man’s goes back to Heracleitus and Plato (Celsus pg. 93). Homer even writes about the Christians beliefs in the afterlife or resurrection. He says â€Å"The gods will take you to the Elysian pla ins at the end of the earth, and there life will be easy† (Celsus pg. 109). This is one of the biggest draws to the Christian faith.Everyone wants to believe that this life is not all there is to life. They want to believe there is life after death. It makes a person feel better about their lives. My point to this is that if the life hereafter is founded on someone else’s principles, what is honest and original about Christianity? I think the thing that was the most eye opening point to me was the fact you always here the prophesy of this God and how he was slapped on a the cheek, and he did nothing in retaliation, except turn the other cheek. Plato shares the same sentiments when he is talking toSocrates in the Crito (Celsus pg. 113).. He talks about never ever doing wrong to someone even if they have avenged us first. He says that in doing that because we were wronged first, it is no different than if we had harmed the person first. Plato says it best in an exerpt â⠂¬Å"So we should never take revenge and never hurt anyone even if we have been hurt† (Celsus pg. 113). I think Celsus was just in thinking Christianity had quite a few flaws in it. Celsus was Looking at it as many should. While they are taught that it is enough to just believe, sometimes that is not enough.Celsus was standing up for his country and his officials. He was putting thought in himself and the rules that were put down. We are taught to stand up for our country. How many times are we led astray by others? Do we simply just take officials word for it that They are doing what is right? I agree with Celsus that you stand for your country and your leaders. I also think and agree that you challenge someone if what they are saying seems to be a bit off. Celsus stood up for his gods and leaders of his country against someone who was threatening their very existence.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Blood Diamonds Essay

The result in the deaths of more than fifty thousand people, left millions homeless, and integrated violence such as mass rapes and mutilations were caused from these jewels earnings which helped to subsidize a war. It was also stated that these blood diamonds increase the battle in Africa which resulted to the loss of four million lives and millions of residents has been dislocated. Same of what happened at Sierra Leone which had discrepancy; these conflict diamonds yet in little ways can cause massive destruction in a country. In the vile civil war at Sierra Leone, the rising up evolutionary United Front apprehended control to a great extent of the nation’s diamond fields. The issue regarding blood diamonds did not occur only long-ago. There was a report recently by the United Nation that twenty-three dollars of diamonds are being smuggled into international diamond markets which are from the Ivory Coast. Diamonds have also played an important role in financing conflicts in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Fortified sadism and vicious human rights abuses go on with over control of diamond mines in eastern Congo which was the bloodiest war since World War II. The Global Witness in 1998 had to start a revelation operation about the role of diamonds in financial support argument. Amnesty International a proletariat human rights organization in the world became so influential in enlightening citizens concerning the problem and urges the governments and industry to take action. International tension has augmented from a large federation of Non Government Officials through the years. United States is the seventy percent of the world’s diamond trader and this only means that it was the leading costumer of diamonds. With this reason, they should be the first and major head to cover on the problem of blood diamonds which also called conflict diamonds. On the way hard works for the United States Congress to control the trading of blood diamonds. Terrorist operation are possible funded by the international trade of diamonds and with this, the United States Congress Members obtains tactics to put a stop to it. Diamonds are expensive goods that can easily be covered and transported according to the U. S. General Accounting Office and was used in illegal means of trading. It was extracted from inaccessible areas which no hint to find from its origin. Government-run Kimberley Process which is an international agreement endorsed by the United Nation which aimed and developed a diamond certification program that would prevent the flow of blood diamond and initiated stop to its trade was presently participate United States together with other countries. The â€Å"chain of warranties† or the â€Å"system of self regulation. † was the agreement wherein the diamond companies will take charge to guard itself in dispatching diamonds from its place to the stores where it should be delivered. This became there support to the Kimberley Process. However this agreement I not fully applied to the industries because it is a must for a company dealing in diamonds to have a course of action in place to guarantee that their diamonds are conflict-free. Actual visit of the government in the diamond industries should be practiced for more assurance of freeing from conflicts and conduct cyclic area confirmation to diamond companies to make sure they have schemes in place to avoid any trade in conflict diamonds. Several of the countries rich in diamonds are those really poor and citizens do not get any benefit from their resources particularly the soil richness. Confusions and explosive natures are widespread in the diamond fields because revolutionary group’s antiterrorists can still seize benefit and right to use the diamonds. Given all the problems concerning the conflict diamonds the United States government should take a look in implementing the diamond law and require all regions to build up a reliable diamond industry. The practice for tracking arrangement in each of the diamond companies will be helpful to make sure to prevent the entrance in the market of conflict diamonds. Additional force should be given off by the Administration for the implementation of Clean Diamond Trade Act (CDTA) in impeding the operation to conflict diamonds as they support the Kimberley Process. Nowadays, blood diamonds are still a serious dilemma. Experientially the government action in controlling the finance conflict in diamonds are not that powerful and functional to ensure that the rebel groups, terrorist and other criminal networks will not anymore make use of it. This continual weakness of the Control System found by the Government Accountability Office of United States was because of the paltry imposing of Clean Diamond Trade Act. The needs for development in monitoring process in the diamond industries in line with the law and accumulating precise information on United States trade in rough diamonds. Being the leading consumer of diamonds, the United States should insist on strengthening the Clean Diamond Trade Act and the Kimberley Process. Suggested step that will be the best help addressing on the problem will be: working with other key administration to reinforce the Kimberley Process and break down on blood diamonds smuggled out of the Ivory Coast. In addition ensure that the Kimberley Process taking on procedures to develop the accurateness and investigation of the information, call for authentication of production conformity, endow with satisfactory financing to encourage effective completion of the system. They should also provide more forceful support as well as technical and financial aid, to help countries develop their accomplishment of the Kimberley Process. The on time application of the proposals of Government Accountability Office including the spot checks of diamond companies and tracking of rough diamonds inside and outside the country especially the goal setting in executing the proposal will be a great help in resolving the problems. Having hands on urgent dealings to progress the accuracy of United States rough diamond trade statistics will also be a help. References: Combating Conflict Diamonds, Retrieved August 18, 2007, http://www. globalwitness. org/pages/en/conflict_diamonds. html Conflict Diamonds, Retrieved August 18, 2007, www. amnestyusa. org/news/doc/diamonds_survey_text. pdf US Congress Tackles ‘Blood Diamonds’ Trade, Retrieved August 18, 2007, www. voanews. com/english/archive/2002-02/a-2002-02-14-2-US. cfm Conflict Diamonds, Retrieved August 18, 2007, www. un. org/peace/africa/Diamond. html Stop the Trade in Blood Diamonds, Retrieved August 18, 2007, worldvision. org/worldvision/†¦ /stable/globalissues_conflictdiamonds

Is Wikipedia a reliable source of Knowledge? Essay

Knowledge is a justified true belief that are passed down from generation to generation. The ones who have passed down these knowledges and information are known as sources. However, not all sources are reliable nor are they all true. Wikipedia is a very worldly wide known website that is used to look up for informations on any matter. Even so, this website is also famous for its unreliable information that are given. So, I believe that wikipedia is an unreliable source with wrong facts of knowledge. For a knowledge to be true there should be facts and evidence that goes along with it. In our enormous world we rely on expert’s opinion to justify many of our knowledge claims, however, for wikipedia everyone seems to be an expert. Wikipedia, which is known for its information, relies on other who are not even experts to give opinions on certain knowledges. Wikipedia is not a reliable source especially since the actually sources will not be identified. WIthout knowing where the sources comes from we can not claim if the information or knowledge is true. Wikipedia is not perfect nor are newspaper articles or scholarly journals, each and everyone of them can make an error. But, the differences of newspaper articles and the scholarly journals from wikipedia are that we know where the source are from and the information are accurate on. For Wikipedia, even the stupidest and the most incomplete source can become a source that lets other believe it to be true. Wikipedia creates and spreads unproven and false information to society, like a plague. Also, one of many reason that wikipedia is an unreliable source is because the company of this website can agree and disagree with other people viewpoint. Administrators on Wikipedia have the power to delete or disallow comments or articles they disagree with and support the viewpoints they approve. In 2003, for example, an U. K. scientist William Connolley became a Web site administrator and subsequently wrote or rewrote more than 5,000 Wikipedia articles supporting the concept of climate change and global warming. More importantly, he used his authority to ban more than 2,000contributors with opposing viewpoints from making further contributions. In addition,in 2007, a new program called WikiScanner uncovered individuals with a clear conflict of interest that had written or edited some Wikipedia entries. Employees from organizations such as the CIA, the Democratic National Party and Diebold were editing Wikipedia entries in their employers’ favor. Addition, to the last paragraph, on Wikipedia accurate contributors can be silenced. Deletionists on Wikipedia often rely on the argument that a contribution comes from an â€Å"unreliable source,† and decided the editor if it is a reliable source. Last year, an incident, showed the degree to which editors at the very top of Wikipedia were willing to rely on false information as long as it suited their purpose. Wikipedia is not a website where it wishes for the consumers to use the right information, but rather to show them their side of viewpoint in certain topics. Lastly, another reason why wikipedia is an unreliable source is because it is also written on their website. Wikipedia has a page where it has been typed â€Å"We do not expect you to trust us. †onto the website. It adds that it is â€Å"not a primary source† and that â€Å"because some articles may contain errors,† you should â€Å"not use Wikipedia to make critical decisions. † Wikipedia is not a source where experts who written the information made a wrong, it is a website where someone who has no knowledge of certain information telling others about it as if they are a truth. Wikipedia is a well known informational website throughout the country, however, it is also known as an unreliable source. The sources that wikipedia uses aren’t from experts on certain knowledge but just regular people who has their own viewpoint to tell. I believe that wikipedia is not a reliable source because of it’s use of wrong editors, silencing accurate contributor, and the fact that it is written on their website. Knowledge and information should come from people who are an expert’s on certain topic and can prove that their claims are the truth, but for wikipedia it not one of those sources that should be used. Source:http://www. findingdulcinea. com/news/education/2010/march/The-Top-10-Rea.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Psychology - Essay Example In his book ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’, Sigmund Freud argued that the foundation of all dream content is the fulfillment of wishes, conscious or not. The theory explains that the schism between ego and id leads to "censorship" of dreams. The unconscious would "like" to depict the wish fulfilled wholesale, but the preconscious cannot allow it — the wish (or wishes) within a dream is thus disguised, and, as Freud argues, only an understanding of the structure of the dream-work can explain the dream. In every dream in which he attempts to do so, he is able to establish a multitude of wishes on a variety of levels — conscious wishes for the immediate future. (Freud, 59) According to Freud, our dreams are important and meaningful in understanding the causes of our problems, hidden issues, and painful issues we cant face during wakefulness. Freud identified two types of content in our dreams; latent content and manifest content. Manifest content is all the parts of the dream that we remember (the actual content). Its not the stuff we associate with our dreams, but the actual story lines of the dreams. This is regarded as Manifest Content. On the contrary, dreams have two types of content, each of which contains different meanings to the dreams. One of these type of content is latent content, which is the underlying, more hidden, but true meaning of a dream (as opposed to the manifest content). Freud believed that the latent content was somehow censored by the subconscious which was a way to protect us from the real meanings of the dreams. This was necessary because the dream content may be difficult for people to deal with, so people disguise the rea l meaning. However, Freud believed that when people were in conflict, if he could uncover or get to the latent content, then he could identify the persons problem and resolve their conflict. This is regarded as Latent Content. Similarly, the sexual motivator is that part of the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

International Relations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

International Relations - Research Paper Example Intergovernmental organizations are formed to address specific issues such as security, trade, the welfare of refugees and children, environmental conservation and management and food safety. These intergovernmental organizations engage nation-states to reach agreements, treaties and protocols that bind and which are crucial to solving some of the issues that characterize international relations. Multi-national corporations are large, wealthy, and it is impossible to deny their influence on the international stage. Multi-national corporations play a controversial role in many aspects of the foreign policy of nation-states, but their participation is considered good politics and business. Multinational corporations create many opportunities for employment and the huge profits they make increase the wealth of nations. Non-governmental organizations actively participate in international activities that are common to many nation-states. Non-governmental organizations tackle a variety of issues that include poverty, human rights, gun control and provision of education. Non-governmental organizations that address human right issues operate across nation-states and which focus on protecting human rights. Intergovernmental organizations, multi-national corporations, and non-governmental organizations have enhanced their influence in international activities, and it is impossible to ignore their participation blatantly. These three act as the thread that connects the nation-states of the world together.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Teaching Philosophy - Essay Example Our goal as teachers is to help children learn. However, not all children learn in the same manner. Therefore, we should be able to adjust to them. There is never a wrong way to learn things and there is never a stupid question or a dumb opinion when it comes to children. Children will always experiment. They will always discover something new in the process. They will want to try out their new ideas and experiences with other people. Provided that they do not hurt themselves or others, and provided that the teacher is able to guide them towards the proper understanding of what they have just discovered or learned, there is no reason for them not to share it with others. After all, that is how we evolved as a society. The goal of education has always been to help others learn more about themselves and the world around them. To help them realize that the world we live in is not perfect and that there is always room for improvement and change. Education is vital in the occurrence of th ese changes because it is the educator's job to help the students, the learners realize these shortcomings and encourage them to correct what is wrong or invent ways to improve the world. A reconstructionist education will concentrate mostly on helping the students ask the right social questions that will, in turn, help them create a better society in the future. This is of the utmost importance as technology has begun to show signs of taking over the real world by encouraging people to engage in virtual relationships. A mode of interacting that does nothing to help improve our society because people hide behind the cloak of anonymity in it. At present, technology stands as the enemy of education as people tend to misuse the available technology in an effort to undermine others in our society. But a reconstructionist educational platform will be geared towards using technology in the advancement of the brotherhood of men. It will in effect, create a new school of thought that will a llow people to create a more peaceful and open minded society in the future.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Marketing to Teenagers on Social Networking Sites Dissertation

Marketing to Teenagers on Social Networking Sites - Dissertation Example 2.0. Literature review Contrary to popular belief, not all teenagers participate in social media (Berman & Amy 2001, p. 3). The proliferation of the media in recent times however has ensured that although not all teens are networked at the same time, there is at least a sizeable population that is at a given time (Ito 2007, pp, 6). Marketers are aware that some teenagers do not participate in social media because they are either disenfranchised or simply choose to object with the popular notion. These numbers are not as large and therefore marketers concentrate on those who actually take part. Parents were cited as the major hindrance to those teens that do not frequent social media (Lenhart 2007, pp. 15). Objectors are those who are politically opinionated and have personal reasons that make them detest social media. Segmentation in the social media cannot be dependent on race or social class. Research that was done by Boyd (2007, p. 3) indicates that poor black teenagers or from other minority groups have the same capability of accessing and utilizing social media as do white teenagers from wealthier backgrounds in the United States. The only difference is the length at which they stay in the media (Sundà ©n 2003, p. 75). Those who access it in school are likely to have short access spans which mean that their involvement is primary or just as an asynchronous tool of communication. Those form richer backgrounds are however likely to have nighttime access which means that they have more time to modify their profiles.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Historical Periods and Feminist Stylistics Coursework

Historical Periods and Feminist Stylistics - Coursework Example However, the rise of women to power did not take place in an impulse. It happened in stages, and this stage-by-stage change may have been reflected in the literature (as a mouthpiece for context, society) across these periods. Language stylistics is the product and/or evidence of this evolution of language. This paper analyses this accompanying reflective evolution of language stylistics based on three texts from three periods: Shakespeare’s Macbeth from the renaissance and reformation period; Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility from the romantic period; and Hume Sotomi’s The General’s Wife from the post-modernist period. This analysis will cut across the three levels of language: the word (vocabulary); the phrase or sentence; and the discourse. Renaissance and Reformation Period: Grammatical Possession in Shakespeare’s MacbethWhile the aspects of feminist stylistics may have to do with the evolution of feminist movement, the fact that it focuses mo re on female writers makes it only natural that the feminine voice should be pronounced in their works, feminist movement or not. But in the broader discussion on the evolution of feminism, to give voice solely to the women would not be fair. A male voice is equally important, at least for balance’s sake. Besides, the feminine voice is only identifiable vis-Ã  -vis the masculine voice. But most importantly, men have also been part of the feminist movement. The plan is to find how this is exemplified in language. Shakespeare is a suitable candidate. Not only because he is male.

Teens Marriage Essay Example for Free

Teens Marriage Essay People under the age of eighteen should not be allowed to get marry, because at the end of the day they’re still teenagers. Even though they are young adults, they still don’t get the meaning of being married and I dont think they would be mature enough to take that responsibility, their mentality is not ready yet to play that role. Many young adults marry so young because of various reasons. Numerous of teenagers get marry because of pregnancy. However, it’s almost never the case of marrying someone because of love, which is the way many marriages should be based on. Sadly it is not. Pregnancy is the most common reason why young adults get married so young. Some guys feel that if they get their girlfriend pregnant, that it’s their job to take care of their responsibility, which should never be the case. If you and your boyfriend/girlfriend are not ready to take the big step by getting married and supporting each other, then you should never feel that it’s what you have to do for the baby. It will only cause more confusion for the kid. A seventy percent of this kids, when their parents get divorced they end up doing something bad, like getting into drugs or alcohol. So its way better if you don’t get married at a young age. Today’s generation of young adults live their lives so differently. In the United States, half of teen marriages dissolve within fifteen years of the marriage. The reason of this is because many young adults jump right into marriages without any experience. For instance, I’m pretty sure that when teenagers under the age of twenty get married their usually just leaving their parents care and aren’t use to taking care of themselves as far as paying bills, groceries, car insurance and other things that come along with being a responsible adult. When you move out and get married things change. If you want to be supported by your spouse then you have to do the same. Never jump right into a marriage if you’re not ready, it’s only going to make the marriage worst and it will end earlier than you had anticipated on. As a conclusion, there is an overwhelming body of evidence to demonstrate that marriages between young partners simply do not last. At 16, you cant drive, vote, serve actively in the Army, drink or buy cigarettes. Clearly, someone who is not of an age to be given full responsibility for their life should not be encouraged to marry and start a family. We need to accept that teens, whilst being normally sexually active, are simply not mature enough to marry. This is why I think that people under the age of eighteen should not be allowed to get marry.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Effective Learning Strategy In English

The Effective Learning Strategy In English Speaking is considered to be one of the most difficult skills in English learning. As one of the receptive skills, speaking is the foundation to develop other language skills. For a long period of time, the teaching of English in China has mainly focused on the teaching of reading and writing in the early stage of learning and neglected the teaching of listening and speaking. Many teachers are puzzled at the situation in the English class: though many students can get a good mark in English test, not all of them can perform well in listening and speaking. But the primary function of language is for interaction and communication. So how to improve learners oral communicative competence is a significant problem that each language teacher has to face, especially for the 12 to 15-year-old junior middle school students. But as their teachers, their oral English is very important. In China, oral English learning has been the weak point. It is of necessity to investigate factors which may o bstruct or enhance oral English acquisition. They reflect on what was wrong with the teaching and try to find out the solutions to these problems. And it is obvious that the learners do not have enough and effective listening and speaking practice in a scientific way. Through our research, we know that the students are mainly influenced by the affective learning strategies. This article starts from the affective learning strategies, analyses the relations between the learners oral English ability and the affective learning strategies. At last, this article also gives some suggestions for the English learners in junior middle school. 1 Introduction With the rapid development of the society, frequent communication among different nations and the rapid development of the international trade, more and more English majors will be needed. So to teach the students to be excellent English talents is an important and difficult task. In recent years, more and more scholars and researchers have paid much attention to the learning methods in order to improve their learning ability and achievement. In my own school and university experience, I found that students learning ability and achievement has much to do with the language learning strategies, especially the affective learning strategies. As we know, language learning strategies are what the teachers and students should know in their teaching and studying. In my middle school time, it reminds me that most of my English teachers did not view learning strategies as a priority and even the few who did care about them knew little or nothing to apply them to their teaching or to help the s tudents to learn English. Due to this fact, I set down to do some researches and write an article to make a study of the learning strategies. 1.1 Problems In the past decadesà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’much progress has been made in English teaching in China, but there are still some problems that we have to face .One of them is that in spite of consistent practice and hard workà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’many junior high school students can t use English properly after three years of learning, especially their oral English is very poor. They still use the old learning methodsà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’and are passive in English learning. Although teachers always make their students change learning strategiesà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’they cant yet change this kind of embarrassing situation . And there is another phenomenon, many a students can do well in reading and the examinations, but when they are called to give a speech or do some oral exercises, they just can not open their mouth. It seems that there are something stuck in their throat. Both the teachers and students do not know how to solve this problem, so they dont know how to improve their speaking ability. 1.2 Theoretical significance This article mainly discusses the influences of the affective learning strategies on English speaking. So, before we start those points, let us know something about the theoretical significance of studying the learning strategies and oral communication. 1.2.1 The importance of studying the learning strategies It is meaningful and important for us to learn how to employ efficient ways in English learning. Firstà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’autonomous learning is the ultimate goal for English teaching. And one of the most important ways to achieve this is to motivate students to develop their own thinking strategies and learning strategies. In junior high schoolsà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’because of the traditional teaching methodsà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’students cannot develop their own learning strategies .Therefore, it is becoming more and more important to study how to help students develop and use efficient learning strategies. An old proverb tells us what to do in English teaching .It goes Give a man a fish and he will eat it up for a day à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’but teach him how to fish and he will have fish to eat. So to help students to develop their own affective learning strategies is just like teaching them how to fish. So in English teaching it is very important to teach students how to develop learning strategies .If they master the ways to develop learning strategies and use them freely and correctly ,students can not only improve their English fastà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’but also enhance their sense of responsibility in learning English . 1.2.2 The importance of oral communication In peoples daily lives most of them speak more than they write, so speaking is fundamental to human communication. Many students equate being able to speak a language as knowing the language and therefore view learning the language as learning how to speak the language, or as Noonan (1991) wrote, success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the target language. Therefore, if the students do not learn how to speak or do not get any opportunity to speak in classroom they may soon get de-motivated and lose interest in learning. With Chinas entry into WTO and successful bidding for holding 2010 EXPO in Shanghai, the need for proficient English speakers is surely increasing, which means more opportunities for those who can speak fluent English in their own fields. In order to meet this challenge and seize the opportunity, the students not only want to have profound knowledge for English reading and writing, but also need the ability to have oral communication with foreigners in English. So to improve the students ability of oral English is becoming an important task. 2. A General Review of Affective Learning Strategies In the September of 2000, the new English Course Standard for the Basic Education Stage was issued and tried out. Its greatly different from the past syllabus. The teaching contents and goal of the course standard includes skills, knowledge, culture, affective strategies and so on. Both The Syllabus for Junior Middle School English Course of the Nine year Fulltime Compulsory Education (Revised) and The Syllabus for Full-time Senior Middle School English Course mentioned To help the students develop the effective English learning strategies as the teaching goal. The problem here is that we failed to get proper affective learning strategies organized in teaching and learning practice. So the brief review of the foreign and Chinese applied linguists researches about the affective learning strategies in the latest years should be taken at first. And it starts from the following aspects: 2.1 The definition of affective learning strategies Affective strategies concern the ways in which learners interact with other learners and native speakers or take control of ones own feelings on language learning. Examples of such strategies are cooperation and question for clarification. The term affective refers to emotions, attitudes, motivations, and values. It is impossible to overstate the importance of the affective factors influencing language learning. Language learners can gain control over these factors through affective strategies. The affective domain is impossible to describe within definable limits, according to H.Douglas Brown. It spreads out like a fine-spun net, encompassing such concepts as self-esteem, attitudes, motivation, anxiety, culture shock, inhibition, risk taking, and tolerance for ambiguity. The affective side of the learner is probably one of the very biggest influences on language learning success or failure. Good language learners are often those who know how to control their emotions and attitudes about learning. Negative feelings can stunt progress, even for the rare learner who fully understands all the technical aspects of how to learn a new language. On the other hand, positive emotions and attitudes can make language learning far more effective and enjoyable. Teachers can exert a tremendous influence over the emotional atmosphere of the classroom in three different ways: by changing the social structure of the classroom to give students more responsibility, by providing increased amou nts of naturalistic communication, and by teaching learners to use affective strategies. Self-esteem is one of the primary affective elements. It is a self-judgment of worth or value, based on a feeling of efficacy-a sense of interacting effectively with ones own environment. Low self-esteem can be detected through negative self-talk, like boy, am I a blockhead! I embarrassed myself again in front of the class. The three affective strategies related to self-encouragement help learners to counter such negativity. A mount of anxiety sometimes helps learners to reach their peak performance levels, but too much anxiety blocks language learning. Harmful anxiety presents itself in many guises: worry, self-doubt, frustration, helplessness, insecurity, fear, and physical symptoms. Tolerance of ambiguitythat is the acceptance of confusing situations-may be related to willingness to take risks (and also reduction of both inhibition and anxiety). Moderate tolerance for ambiguity, like moderate risk taking, is probably the most desirable situation. Learners who are moderately tolerant of ambiguity tend to be open-minded in dealing with confusing facts and events, which are part of learning a new language. In contrast, low ambiguity-tolerant learners, wanting to categorize and compartmentalize too soon, have a hard time dealing with unclear facts. Again, self-encouragement and anxiety-reducing strategies help learners cope with ambiguity in language learning. 2.2 Classification of affective learning strategies There are two kinds of classifications: Chamot and OMalleys and Oxfords a: Chamot and OMalley (1990) recognized three affective/social strategies: cooperation, questions for clarification, and self-talks. b: Oxford (1990), otherwise, gave some more detailed items: lowering your anxiety, encouraging yourself, and taking your emotional temperature for affective strategies; and asking question, cooperating with others, and empathizing with others for social strategies. In this paper, I mainly talk about Oxfords classification of the affective strategies. As shown in Figure 1 A. Lowering your anxiety (Using progressive relaxation, deep breathing, or meditation, Using music, Using laughter) Affective strategies B. Encouraging yourself(Making positive statements, Taking risk wisely, Rewarding yourself) C. Taking your emotional temperature(Listening to your body, Using a checklist, Writing a language learning diary) 2.2.1 Lowering your anxiety Three anxiety-reducing strategies are listed here. Each has a physical component and a mental component. Firstly, using Progressive Relaxation, Deep Breathing, or Meditation: Use the technique of alternately tensing and relaxing all of the major muscle groups in the body, as well as the muscles in the neck and face, in order to relax; or the technique of breathing deeply from the diaphragm; or the technique of meditating by focusing on a mental image or sound. Secondly, using Music: Listen to soothing music, such as a classical concert, as a way to relax. Thirdly, using Laughter: Use laughter to relax by watching a funny movie, reading a humorous book, listening to jokes, and so on. 2.2.2 Encouraging yourself This set of three strategies is often forgotten by language learners, especially those who expect encouragement mainly from other people and do not realize they can provide their own. However, the most potent encouragementand the only available encouragement in many independent language learning situationsmay come from inside the learner. Self-encouragement includes saying supportive things, providing oneself to take risks wisely, and providing rewards. Making Positive Statements: Say or write positive statements to oneself in order to feel more confident in learning the new language. Taking Risks Wisely: Push oneself to take risks in a language learning situations, even though there is such a chance of making a mistake or looking foolish. Risks must be tempered with good judgment. Rewarding Yourself: Give oneself a valuable reward for a particularly good performance in the new language. 2.2.3 Taking your emotional temperature The four strategies in this set help learners to assess their feelings, motivations, and attitudes, in many cases, to relate them to language tasks. Unless learners know how they are feeling and why they are feeling that way, they are less able to control their affective side. The strategies in this set are particularly helpful for discerning negative attitudes and emotions that impede language learning progress. Listening to Your Body: Paying attention to signals given by the body. These signals may be negative, reflecting stress, tension, worry, fear, and anger; or they may be positive, indicating happiness, interest, calmness, and pleasure. Using a Checklist: Use a checklist to discover feeling, attitudes, and motivations concerning language learning in general, as well as concerning specific language tasks. Writing a Language Learning Diary: Writing a diary or journal to keep track of events and feeling in the process of learning a new language. Discussing Your Feeling with Someone Else: Talking with another person (teacher, friend, relative) to discover and express feelings about language learning. 3. The Influence of Affective Learning Strategies on Speaking This article focuses on discussing about the influences of the affective learning strategies on oral English for junior high school students, which is also the researching point. We want to find out how does them influence the junior high school students oral English, and then according to what we found we can make some suggestions. The following paragraphs will talk about the influences of three different affective strategies on speaking in detail. 3.1 The influence of lowering your anxiety As we all know in recent years, more and more foreign language researchers have taken learner variables, especially affective factors into consideration. Among the affective factors influencing language learning, especially oral English speaking, anxiety ranks high. Psychologically speaking, anxiety refers to the intense and enduring negative feeling caused by vague and dangerous stimuli from the outside as well as the unpleasant emotional experience involved, such as anticipation, irritation and fear. While language anxiety is the fear or apprehension occurring when a learner is expected to perform in the second language learning, it is associated with feeling such as uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt, apprehension and tension. In my own experience, I and also my friends and classmates have anxiety problems, when we participate in the English corner or give a speech; they impede us to carry on. There are many other similar cases can be found. So lowering your anxiety becomes very important. Lowering your anxiety can help you accomplish your learning tasks more peacefully and more efficiently. 3.2 The influence of encouraging yourself Confidence, also called as self-confidence, is a kind of optimistic emotion that language learners firmly believe they can overcome troubles to gain success. It is also a kind of active and upward emotional inclination that their real values can be respected by other people, collective, and society. Confidence is an important quality formed in the process of peoples growth and success, and was built on the basis of their right cognition. Setting confidence is to evaluate correctly himself, look for his merits, and affirm his capability. People often say that it is important for them to know themselves wisely. This wisdom embodies in not only seeing their merits, but also in analyzing their shortcoming. In fact, everyone owns great potentials, and everyone possesses his advantages and strong points. If we can objectively evaluate ourselves and on the basis of knowing our disadvantages and weak points to encourage ourselves, our strong sense of self-esteem and confidence can be stimula ted. Confidence is to be a kind of active affective factor. As for foreign language learners, if you want to succeed, you should possess the major quality confidence. It often plays a decisive role in foreign language learning. Confidence is just like catalyst of foreign language learners competence and can make all potentials be transferred, and let their potentials bring into play. However, foreign language learners who are lacking in confidence often hold suspicion on their competence. They often embody negative weakness, or lack stability and initiative. They should change their attitudes on the foreign language learning, build enough confidence. As a matter of fact, encouraging yourself is a very important way to gain confidence. So we can know how significant role does encouraging yourself play in improving the learners speaking ability. 3.3 The influence of taking your emotional temperature Emotion, as we know plays a very important role in our life as well as in our language learning. Good emotions can help you lead a happy life and it also can help you do an excellent job when you are communicating with the others or making a speech to the public. On the contrary, bad emotions can help you nothing but ruin you instead. This strategy taking your emotional temperature helps learners to assess their feelings, motivations, and attitudes and, in many cases, to relate them to language tasks. Unless learners know how they are feeling and why they are feeling that way, they are less able to control their affective side. The strategies in this set are particularly helpful for discerning negative attitudes and emotions that impede language learning progress, and especially oral English learning progress. Through this set of strategies, the English learners can improve their speaking ability in a short time. 4. Findings and Analysis In order to make this article more persuadable and authoritative, I made a questionnaire and also make an analysis. The aim of making findings and analysis is also to find the factors which impede the junior school students oral English ability, and then according to what we have found we can give some useful and effective suggestions to them. 4.1 Data collection 30 questionnaires were distributed and 27 were returned. All incomplete questionnaires were discarded because the results could not be described and analyzed unless all items were answered. In total, the data from 27 fully completed questionnaires were analyzed. All the questions are designed according to the affective strategies I mentioned in this thesis. 4.2 Data analysis According to the questionnaires, I made a date analysis. I analyzed the proportion of students, who choose these options. And also I analyzed the proportion of them who had the speaking obstacles and who failed to adopt the useful ways to help them to train their affective strategies. These will be shown in the following two tables. 4.2.1 Application of affective learning strategies in a junior middle school The table below shows that in general students sometimes use the affective strategies, although the level of use by strategy category differs in one way or another. The capitalized letter A, B, C, D, E orderly meansà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã… ¡I never or almost not do that, I usually dont do that, I sometimes do that, I usually do that and I always or almost always do that. The items from 6 to 16 refer to the questions about the affective strategies. The figures in the blanks are the percent of how many students choose the items A, B, C, D, and E. The appendix at the end of this article will give you a more detailed explanation. From the table, a conclusion can be drawn that almost half of the students feel nervous or shy when they speak English, and the most important thing is that 51.9% of them cannot get rid of being nervous and 85.2 of them face the affective factors by themselves. They seldom talk about these things with others. And 70.4% of the students do not use music to lower their anxiety before they give a speech, when it refers to writing English diaries, it is even more serious. In all, the reason why this phenomenon occurs is that the students have a short cognition on the affective learning strategies. If they wanted to improve their speaking ability, the teachers should help them to have a comprehensive knowledge about them and help them apply them to their study. So the affective strategies should be paid attention to. 5 Suggestions From the above analysis, besides the learners specific difference, social condition and learning task also greatly influence and restrict the students learning motivation and their learning strategy applications. The middle school students in our country need a better condition for their foreign language learning, which includes the richer understandable language input, especially the oral input; they also need more chance for practicing and using the foreign language. An ancient proverb says: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish and he eats for a life-time. I think that guiding the students to improve some effective English learning strategies is a kind of approach to give a man a fish in order to expect him to eat for a life-time. So it is very important to teach the students the learning approaches and the learning strategies in order to develop their foreign language learning ability. If the students master the strategy knowledge and use the strategies f reely and correctly, they can not only accelerate the foreign language learning, but also strengthen their learning sense of responsibility, autonomy, independence, and self-guiding and self- efficiency. Then the students inner learning motivation is aroused, so they can elaborate the facial role in the learning process, accelerate the English acquisition. Based on the above analysis and discussion, I want to give the following suggestions: 5.1 Improving speaking ability This article has just presented the definition and the classification of the affective strategies in the first few parts. We know the functions of these affective strategies, but that is not enough. If we want to improve our speaking ability, we should know how to apply them to speaking. The following parts will talk about it in detail. a). As it mentioned above, anxiety is a big negative factor which impede the English learners speaking. So we must lower our anxiety before we make a conversation. And there are some ways to help us to do that. Use progressive relaxation, deep breathing, or meditation, music, and laughter. When we are going to make a speech or do some oral exercises we can use these strategies. b). Encourage yourself is also a very important strategy to help you to improve your speaking ability. And there are also three ways to encourage yourself. When we are studying, we can make some positive statements to remind us that we can do it, we can accomplish the tasks successfully. Here are some examples: I understand a lot more of what is said to me now. I am confident and secure about my progress. I can get the general meaning without knowing every word. And also when we train our speaking, we can take some risks wisely. May be we are always do the easy speaking tasks which may not be effective to us anymore, so we can challenge ourselves and do some difficult ones. The last way is that give yourself a reward when you gain something. But you should remember the rewards need not be tangible or visible. They can also come from the very act of doing a good job. Students can learn to relish their own good performance. c). Taking your emotional temperature is one of the affective strategies. This set of strategies for affective self-assessment involves getting in touch with feelings, attitudes, and motivations through a variety of means. Language learners need to be touch with these affective aspects, so that they can begin to exert some control over them. The strategies described here enable learners to notice their emotions, avert negative ones, and make the most of positive ones. When the learners use this set of strategies they should take the following aspects into consideration. First, they should listen to their body. One of the simplest but most often ignored strategies for emotional self-assessment is paying attention to what the body says. Second, use a checklist. A checklist helps learners in a more structured way to ask themselves questions about their own emotional state, both in general and in regard to specific language tasks and skills. Third, discuss your feeling with someone else. 5.2 Training affective learning strategies At the first of this article, it mentions the importance of studying affective learning strategies. According to that, we know it is important and necessary to study them. So the training of affective learning strategies is a must. 5.2.1 Goals of learning strategy training The goal of strategy training is to teach students how, when and why strategies can be used to facilitate their efforts at learning and using a foreign language. By teaching students how to develop their own individualized strategy systems, strategy training is intended to help students explore ways that they can learn the target language more effectively, as well as to encourage students to self-evaluate and self-direct their learning. The first step is to help learners recognize which strategies theyve already used, and then to develop a wide range of strategies, so that they can select appropriate and effective strategies within the context of particular tasks. Carrell (1983) emphasizes that teachers need to be explicit about what the strategy consists of, how, when, why it might be used, and how its effectiveness can be evaluated. A further goal of strategy training is to promote learners autonomy and learners self-direction by allowing students to choose their own strategies, without continued prompting from the language teacher. Learners should be able to monitor and evaluate the relative effectiveness of their strategy use, and more fully develop their problem-solving skills. Strategy training can thus be used to help learners achieve learning autonomy as well as linguistic autonomy. Students need to know what their abilities are, how much progress they are making and what they can do with the skills they have acquired. Without such knowledge, it will not be easy for them to learn efficiently. The strategy training is predicted on the assumption that if learners are conscious about and become responsible for the selection, use and evaluation of their learning strategies, they will become more successful language learners by improving their use of classroom time, completing homework assignments and in-class language tasks more efficiently, become more aware of their individual learning needs, taking more responsibility for their own language learning, and enhancing their use of the target language out of class. In other words, the ultimate goal of strategy training is to empower students by allowing them to take control of the language learning process. 5.2.2 Models for affective learning strategy training Before talking about the models for affective learning strategies, I want to emphasize that learning environment is very important for training strategies. When the students meet some difficult problems, they should turn to advanced teaching facilities. It is not just a good way to study but also a very good learning strategy. So the school should take it into consideration. By now, at least three different instructional frameworks have been identified. They are Pearson and Dole model, Oxford model, and Chamot and OMalley model. They have been designed to raise student awareness to the purpose and rationale of affective learning strategy use, to give students opportunities to practice the strategies that they are being taught, and to help them understand how to use the strategies in new learning contexts. Each of the three approaches contains the necessary components of explicit strategy training: it emphasizes discussions about the use and value of strategies, encourages conscious and purposeful strategy use and transfer of those strategies to other contexts, and allows students to monitor their performance and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies they are using. (1) Pearson and Dole model The first approach to strategy training has been suggested by Pearson and Dole (1987) with reference to first language, but it can also be applied to the study of second and foreign languages as well. This model targets isolated strategies by including explicit modeling and explanation of the benefits of applying affective , extensive functional practice with the strategy, and then an opportunity for transfer of the strategy to new learning contexts. Students may better understand the applications of the various strategies if they at first modeled by the teacher and then practiced individually. After a range or a set of affective strategies have been introduced and practiced, the teacher can further encourage independent strategy use and promote learners autonomy by encouraging learners to take responsibility for the selection, use, and evaluation of the affective strategies that they have been taught. Pearson and Doles sequence includes: 1. Initial modeling of the strategy by the teacher, with direct explanation of the strategys use and importance; 2. Guided practice with the strategy; 3. Consolidation , teachers help students identifiy the strategy and decide when it might be used; 4. Independent practice with the strategy; and 5. Application of the strategy to new tasks. (2) Oxford model As for the second approach to strategy training, Oxford et al. (1990) outline a useful sequence for the introduction of the affective strategies that emphasizes explicit strategy awareness, discussion of the benefits of strategy use, functional and contextualized practice with the strategies. This sequence is not prescriptive regarding strategies that the learners are supposed to use, but rather descriptive of the various strategies that they could use for a broad range of learning tasks. The sequence they is the following: 1. Ask learners to do a language activity without any strategy training; 2. Have them discuss how they did it, praise any useful strategy and self-directed attitudes that they mention, and ask them to reflect on how the strategies they selected may have facilitated the learning process; 3. Suggest and demonstrate other helpful strategies, mentioni